Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Offical!

Well I went for my blood test today and was so nervous!  I kept praying for big numbers!  Before I went in I talked to the Nurse in Austin and she said that we want a number between 50 & 100.  But she also said that since we were testing a day early, if the number was a little lower than that it would be okay.  So as I was walking in to the lab all I kept thinking was "Please be a high enough number, I really don't want to disappoint Tara & George!"  They draw my blood, which if any of you know me, know that I hate to have that done, and they send me on my way.  The nurse told me it should be about 2hrs before the results would be in.  Do you know how long 2hrs are?  It is exactly 120 mins, or 7200 seconds! (not that I was counting) hehe!  Finally the nurse calls and gives me the great news!  My number is...

.137!!!!!!  (and that is a day EARLY)  :)

Okay, now how many of you are thinking twins?


  1. Lisa, I'm so excited for your and the Silvio family! What a beautiful, selfless act of love bringing life into the world for someone else. I love it and will be praying for you all throughout the pregnancy.

  2. I'm really thinking ATLEAST twins:D that would
    Be so amazing for Tara & George!!!! I'm praying

  3. At least? That better be all that is in! Are you wishing more on me?
