Monday, September 26, 2011

Coming Soon....

some very exciting news!!!!


  1. Is everything going well in your neck of the woods? I just read your entire blog archive last night. I am acting as a surrogate for my sister in law and just went through the transfer on Friday. I have also had 4 very easy pregnancies and healthy births. My kiddos: Girls are 13 and 9 1/2 and the boys are 6 and almost 5. I would think just from my history that this would be easy but reading this I'm seeing that it may not be. I'm still very positive and unstressed but I think I have been "googling" too much. Just wanted to see how things are progressing (if they are) and what you all have decided to do. Thank you so very much for sharing this. It is all very personal and it is awesome that you can put yourself out there in so many ways.
